Student Attendance

Student Attendance

Our Attendance Management module will digitize your University, College, School or even Coaching Classes / Tutorials with ease. Kindly check out our sub modules and pick and choose what fits best for the Attendance Process Automation for your Institute today!

Our Attendance module comes integrated with Biometric handhelds, Face Readers to enable smooth and real time integrated Attendance system for Students as well as Staff.

This module eventually integrates with the Examination Process and comes with the features of Alerts and notifications.


Sample Screens

Sub Modules

SFT Student / Faculty timetable creation

Student and faculty wise for each for each college time table would be generated

SC Scholarship, concession to the students

As per the Govt. rules of fees will be partially /fully waved for students qualifying the criteria

AC Academic calendar

College EDP staff will create in the system identifying start/end dates and holidays for each semester and list of every programme also Customized academic Time Table for each college will be maintained in the system

AB Allot Batches

The students can be distributed batch wise for their practical sessions.

ACB Allot Clinical Batches

The students can be distributed batch wise for their clinical posting & tutorial session

FCA Faculty Course Allocation

Will be done for each college by person in charge for the college

CTM Course Topic Master

Topic & subtopics can be maintained which are required for Theory Subjects as well as for Practical, Clinical & Tutorial.

CP Course Planner

Topic & subtopic wise faculties can be assigned to conduct a Theory Lectures for a specific date & time.

TTC Time Table Creation

Department wise, course wise timetable can be created.
 Multi teachers can be allotted to the courses. Timetable management takes care of classroom, teacher clashing.

SA Student Attendance

Manual attendance facility would be provided. For each class, the teacher will have to mark the absent or present students and (either later on or at that time itself) update the same in the system. This attendance would can be taken class/subject wise or can be considered for the full day attendance

MLA Mark Extra Lecture Attendance

Attendance for the extra lecture conducted by the teachers can be maintained

MAR Mark Attendance for replaced or swapped lectures

Attendance of the students can be marked if the lecture is replaced or swapped by the teachers

CDM Condone & Defaulter Management

Students with short of attendance can be condoned. Defaulter list is available at the click of a button.

MRG Statistical Report Generation

Statistical and graphical customized reports available inaddition to the 50 standard reports from the system