Our Admission Management module will digitize your University, College, School or even Coaching Classes / Tutorials with ease. Kindly check out our sub modules and pick and choose what fits best for the Admission Process Automation for your Institute today!
iWeb’s Admission Management works both as a standalone module as well as an integrated one with the Fee Collection & Accounts Module.
Our Admission Module has ready online fee collection APIs with leading banks & fintech / Payment Gateways including the BBPS – Bharat Bill Payment System supporting all modes of fee payments including UPI and QR code based payments mandated & preferred by the Government of India.
Sub Modules
MU Maintain University
Registration of the University can be done as well as university details such as, Name, Address, etc. can be added.
The academic year can be started when the courses/programs are added into the system.
CR College Registration
College registration form is available for colleges to register online
MC Maintain Colleges
Colleges with their various categorization can be entered into the system by registering all the information of their program, courses, departments etc.
IEU Import/Export Utility
Facility of import and export is available for importing students, courses, result etc data in excel, CSV or SQl format
PC Programs Creation
Facility to create different types of programs (such as Diploma, Certificate, Graduate & Postgraduate etc) can be added.
CC Courses/ Subjects Creation
Facility to create Courses/Subjects. College/College EDP staff will create in the system. The courses can be mapped to an appropriate program & semester.
OR Online Registration
Students can register themselves as will as will be able to select the courses for that program.
OA Online Admission
Facility to create Courses/Subjects. College/College EDP staff will create in the system. The courses can be mapped to an appropriate program & semester.
OAP Online Admission Portal config
The program can be configured using this screen. i.e. we can set the prospectus fee amount, entrance fee amount, whether monthly timetable is to be set or not.
ORW Offline Registration/Walk-ins
Student details can be saved as well program registration can be done by the admin cell.
SRP Student Registration Process
Post the centralized admission or entrance registration of the students would be done in the system and fee category applicable with the quota or non-quota system would be allotted
SEP Students Eligibility Process
Students eligibility process is available whereby document verification can be done once their profile is submitted
SIF Students information System
University or the board can access the information related to all the colleges centrally. Approval and rejection of the students based on any criteria can be handled automatically from the system
AC Admission Cancellation
Cancellation configurable rules can be defined in the system and admission cancellation with fees refund process can be followed.
AT Admission Transfer
Facility to Transfer from one college to other in case of multi campus is also available.
SP Student Profile (Mailing and SMS list)
Students registered through the online application will be imported to iWeb EMS and entire profile will be maintained
R-Reg Re-registration
Students with backlog courses or repeaters can register in the colleges and the complete process is available related to that
ERG Enrollment and roll number generation
Roll numbers will be generated by the system for all applicants who get confirmed admission after paying fees
CR Course Registration
Student’s portal is enabled once the fees is paid. Eligibility is approved and admission is granted. Students can select the courses from the offered courses if they are optional or electives. It has feature to register for backlog courses also.
SPT Single click Program/Semester Transfer
Student registration to the other program after completion of one program as well as students can be promoted to the next sem / term /year for the existing program.
SCT Special Configurable Treatment for Reserve class students
Configuration screen for reservation. As per the Govt. rules of reservations, some seats will be reserved in each course
CEG Configurable Enrollment Generation
HGM Hostel & Guest House Management
- Maintain Hostels
- Allocation of Rooms
- Managing Hostel Assets
- Online Hostel/Guest house application
- Guest house Room Records
- Managing Assets Allocation
- Guest house check in – check out