Our Student Exams & Results Management module will digitize your University, College, School or even Coaching Classes / Tutorials with ease. Kindly check out our sub modules and pick and choose what fits best for the Exam & Results Automation for your Institute today!
Our module is highly configurable and it takes care of pre and post examination processes.
The module comes readily integrated with Online Screen Marking, OMR or Online Marks Entry facility.
Configurable exam pattern enables to work across different disciplines in a University without additional customization.
Sub Modules
EPC Examination Pattern Configurator
Examination Pattern Configuration Module
ERC Examination Rules and configuration
Configurable Exam Rules can be created for examination as required by the board
RH Roll number/Hall ticket no allocation for examination
Roll nos for the examination can be created automatically and printed. Intimated to the students can be given via portal, sms or email
ES Exam Schedule
Exam schedule can be defined in the system and published for the students in portal
ECA Examination centre allocation
Manual allocation of the examination center for the students degree courses wise can be provided in the system. Notification of center allocation would be provided to students and hall tickets would have this information
EC Exam Hall/Calls Room definition
Classroom capacity, rows, column etc. can be defined in the system so that based on the same seating arrangement can be made.
SA Seating arrangement
Configurable screen would be provided for making seating arrangements during exam before hall ticket is printed
EEM External examiners management
College Exam Dept can set the examiners in the system
I Invigilation
Invigilator based on the exam classrooms or halls can be assigned in the system
QPU Question paper upload
Facility to upload the question paper online by the designated faculty and once the Question paper is finalized by the exam department OTP based downloading of question paper
AM Assignment Management
- Uploading –Browse & attach (Any format) – Staff & Student Portal
- Viewing the Attached file – Staff & Student Portal
- Report highlighting assignments not completed
- Reminder on the assignment last date
IM Internal marks feeding online
Subject wise marks can be entered manually in the system. Subject in charge in each college will feed the marks online manually
FAF Faculty assessment feeding
Subject in charge in each college will feed the marks online
EA Examination attendance
- Manually examination related attendance can Maintenance of Question banks – course wise.
- Manual paper setting
- Offline (for Subjective) exam options
Exam Supervisor will mark the absent students for each exam in the system - Preparation of paper wise absentee list
- Attendance could be tracked via smartcards for which cards and device has to be procured and provided by College
CAP Centralized Assessment process
CAP center process with dual authentication is also available in the system so that the marks entries can be done centrally
ASE Answer sheet encoding
Method is available where the encoded nos can be generated from the software which hides the student’s identity and then the complete assessment of the answer sheet is done. Answers allotment process is there to examiners
FMF Final marks feeding
Examiner for each subject will input the final marks manually in the system for the students under his/her scope OR the College Exam Dept. This would be done based on the question paper set
RG Result generation and notification
College Exam Dept Officer will generate the reports and publish. Result format would be customized based on the format provided by the College
RLP Rank list preparation
Configurable rank master would be provided where by based on the rules ranks of the students would be generated and printed
RE Re-evaluation
Student can apply online for re-evaluation of recently conducted exams up to a certain date. Fees for re-evaluation can be paid online or by cash/draft. Fee-paid students will be assigned to moderators for each subject.
Moderators will update the re-evaluated marks in the system.
Record of marks before re-evaluation will be preserved
Results of Re-evaluation students will be published by Examination Dept officials
GCG Grade card generation
Based on the rules defined on ranks and grades for degree courses grade cards would be printed in the College format
TSG Transcript sheet generation
Detailed mark sheet as transcript for students would be provided
DG Degree Generation
Degree rules would be configured in the system so that the degree through which student is passed out would be derived automatically from the system
CP Certificates printing
Certificates will be printed automatically from the system based on the rules defined
RAS Result Announcement System
ER Examination Result declaration through online portal
Results can be accessed on the online portal by the student
ERS Examination Result by SMS on mobile phones
SMS will be sent on publishing of result by the College (Note: SMS gateway to be made available by the College
MR Moderation & Revaluation
Result Report would be made available which can be published if required
CP Convocation Process
- Online Application/Registration form
- Online fee payment
- Confirmation with issue of certificate